I Followed a Tractor This is What Happened

Matt Northwood
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


Photo by Jed Owen on Unsplash

When I got stuck behind a tractor I got a pure lesson in building patience.

Living in The Fens

I live in the flattest part of England, where the quality of the soil and lack of large amounts of rain make it wonderful conditions for that age-old industry of farming and agriculture.

And where we find farming we find farm vehicles, tractors and combine harvesters and all manner of machines for pulling, raking, gouging and doing “stuff” to the earth.

This in and of itself is not an issue for me, in isolation.

But getting stuck behind one when your late for your train can be a massive hindrance and source of relative concern.

Form an Orderly Queue,Please

The British are “allegedly” renowned for our ability as world champions of forming a queue. Whether you buy into that sentiment is for your conscience to fathom out.

However that being said when it comes to tractors the ability to stick to orderly conventions seems to go out of the window.

Tractors present us with an infuriation that can lead to panic and disorder and a whole lot of tutting and horn smashing.

But if we stay behind the tractor and ride out the issue what does it offer us.

A lesson in Patience.

So how does patience form from this most mundane of issues.

We Concentrate More

Our focus is now fixed on the task in hand and as such we are more attuned to our environment.

Delayed Instant Gratification

We live in a world that you can get anything you want yesterday. Having to wait builds resilience.

Better Time Management

As stupid as it sounds, I know that at certain times of the year like around harvest and coming into Christmas I need to leave extra time to get to work to avoid farm machinery as well as for the weather.

Again this may seem like common sense, there are still people who will not be prepared.

It Makes you More Tolerant Towards Other Drivers

Well maybe not, but I’m an optimist.


So in future try sitting behind that tractor for a bit instead of trying to dangerously overtake, you might learn something about yourself.



Matt Northwood

Terry’s Chocolate Orange Enthusiast. Procrastinator in Chief.Blogger. 34 Years Old. UK Based. Use of Force Expert.